About us

The Eastern Partnership Road Safety Observatory is a joint initiative of the five Eastern Partnership countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine - with the common goal of reducing road casualties by 50% by 2030.

We house country-level data and act as a catalyst to strengthen national road safety data collection, management and analysis. Our aim is to monitor road safety data beyond that derived from crashes and share good practices to help create a solid body of evidence essential for road safety policy development.

Our mission is to reduce road casualties through improving the quality of systematic and consolidated data collection on road traffic deaths and serious road injuries in line with best EU and international practices.

More about road safety in the EaP region

Who we are

The Technical Secretariat of the Observatory is hosted by Georgia and is led by ISET Policy Institute and EASST.

Our work is funded by the EU through the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) as part of the global network of regional Road Safety Observatories supported by the World Bank.


EaP RSO logo ISET Policy Institute logo EASST logo

The EaP RSO Steering Committee ensures coordination and complementarity of the different project activities. It comprises implementing partners, representatives of the European Commission to ensure strategic guidance of the actions, with DG NEAR as contracting authority and DG MOVE for thematic guidance, as well as the main stakeholders in member countries and the EaP RSO hosting country, and other interested parties as appropriate.

ISET Policy Institute is a university-based think-tank that complements the educational mission of the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET). It is recognised by the policy community, civil society organisations, and international development partners as one of the key economic policy research institutions in Georgia, providing independent policy research, analysis, and training. 

EASST (Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport) is an independent UK-registered NGO whose mission is to save lives and prevent injuries by making road transport safer, greener and more sustainable for future generations. It operates through a regional partnership of local organisations across Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia and South-East Europe. 


The Eastern Partnership (EaP) is a joint initiative between the European Union and its neighboring countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It’s aim is to strengthen and deepen the political and economic relations between partner countries and support the delivery of many global policy objectives, including the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the UN 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals. 

In April 2018, members endorsed the Eastern Partnership Declaration on Road Safety in Ljubljana, setting a target to reduce the number of fatal and serious road traffic injuries by 50% by 2030.

To reach this goal, on 6 June 2019 the Eastern Partnership Transport Ministerial Meeting endorsed a further joint declaration in Luxembourg announcing that countries will work together towards the establishment of a Regional Eastern Partnership Road Safety Observatory (EaP RSO). EaP RSO members are also party to the UN Resolution on Improving Global Road Safety (UN RES/74/299) which encourages member states to leverage the opportunities of “regional road safety observatories, to harmonize and make road safety data available and comparable.” 

In 2021, based on a competitive Expression of Interest launched by the European Commission, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia was selected to host the Technical Secretariat of the EaP RSO with the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET) Policy Institute as the lead agency and Eastern Alliance for Safe & Sustainable Transport (EASST) as a consortium partner.

The EaPRSO officially commenced work on 1 February 2024. It is working to a four-year plan which concludes in January 2028.

Eastern Partnership Declaration on Road Safety