Eastern Partnership Road Safety Observatory

The Eastern Partnership Road Safety Observatory is a joint initiative of the five Eastern Partnership countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine - with the common goal of reducing road casualties by 50% by 2030.

Funded by the EU, the Observatory houses country-level data and acts as a catalyst to strengthen national road safety data collection, management and analysis. 

Our mission is to reduce road casualties through improving the quality of systematic and consolidated data collection on road traffic deaths and serious road injuries in line with best EU and international practices.


Civil society: Road safety engagement in the Eastern Partnership countries

Civil society and NGOs can play a positive role in supporting global road safety goals.

The aim of this report is to suggest ways in which road safety discussions within the EaP might be enhanced by involving this important stakeholder group. First and foremost, the report aims to demonstrate why CSOs of all types – not just those specialising in road safety – should take a keen interest in supporting the UN road safety goals.

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EaP RSO CSO engagement report

An introduction to road safety in EaP countries

Every year around 1.2 million people lose their lives on the world’s roads and between 20 and 50 million suffer life-changing injuries. Vulnerable road users (i.e. pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclist, and users of micro-mobility devices such as e-scooters) account for over half of all road traffic deaths.

Fatality rates in Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries are more than twice as high as in the European Union. Road death and injury is a major problem in all EaP countries requiring urgent attention.

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Technical Secretariat hosts introductory working meeting in Tbilisi

On 30 April 2024, the Technical Secretariat of the Eastern Partnership Road Safety Observatory organised its first working meeting in Tbilisi.

The meeting, which was held in the framework of a wider Regional Road Safety Summit organised by EASST with support from the FIA Foundation, included an introduction to the planned work of the EaP RSO and discussions around the needs and priorities of national stakeholders as well as offering an overview on the importance of good road safety data and an overview of EU CARE and CADaS data.

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Tbilisi meeting news

Latest news

Technical Secretariat meets Armenian road safety focal points in Yerevan

August 1st 2024

EaP RSO Technical Secretariat representatives visit Armenia to meet local project counterparts and discuss training and capacity-building needs.


EaP RSO delegation meets with high level stakeholders in Moldova

May 21st 2024

EaP RSO delegation travels to Moldova to formally introduce the work of the Observatory to key road safety stakeholders.


Technical Secretariat hosts introductory working meeting in Tbilisi

April 30th 2024

Introductory Working Meeting of the Eastern Partnership Road Safety Observatory held in Tbilisi.


Recently published

Civil Society: Road Safety Engagement in the Eastern Partnership Countries

September 30th 2022

Produced by the Eastern Partnership Road Safety Observatory.


Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023

December 15th 2023

Produced by the World Health Organisation.


Global Plan: Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030

October 28th 2021

Produced by the World Health Organisation.